Remove One Of The Two Legends Produced In This Seaborn Figure?
I have just started using seaborn to produce my figures. However I can't seem to remove one of the legends produced here. I am trying to plot two accuracies against each other an
Solution 1:
You're plotting a lineplot in the (only) axes of a FacetGrid
produced via relplot
. That's quite unconventional, so strange things might happen.
One option to remove the legend of the FacetGrid but keeping the one from the lineplot would be
Full code (where I also corrected for the confusing naming if grids and axes)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
test_data = np.array([[1.,2.,100.,9.],[2.,1.,100.,8.],[3.,4.,200.,7.]])
test_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['x','y','p','q'], data=test_data)
g=sns.relplot(y='y',x='x',data=test_df,hue='p',style='q',markers=['.','^','<','>','8'], legend='full')
sns.lineplot(x=range(0,5),y=range(0,5),legend='full', ax=g.axes[0,0])
Note that this is kind of a hack, and it might break in future seaborn versions.
The other option is to not use a FacetGrid here, but just plot a scatter and a line plot in one axes,
ax1 = sns.scatterplot(y='y',x='x',data=test_df,hue='p',style='q',
markers=['.','^','<','>','8'], legend='full')
sns.lineplot(x=range(0,5),y=range(0,5), legend='full', ax=ax1)
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