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Summing The Number Of Occurrences Per Day Pandas

I have a data set like so in a pandas dataframe: score timestamp 2013-06-29 00:52:28+00:00 -0.420070 2013-

Solution 1:

If your timestamp index is a DatetimeIndex:

import io
import pandas as pd
content = '''\
timestamp  score
2013-06-29 00:52:28+00:00        -0.420070
2013-06-29 00:51:53+00:00        -0.445720
2013-06-28 16:40:43+00:00         0.508161
2013-06-28 15:10:30+00:00         0.921474
2013-06-28 15:10:17+00:00         0.876710

df = pd.read_table(io.BytesIO(content), sep='\s{2,}', parse_dates=[0], index_col=[0])


so df looks like this:

scoretimestamp2013-06-29 00:52:28 -0.4200702013-06-29 00:51:53 -0.4457202013-06-28 16:40:43  0.5081612013-06-28 15:10:30  0.9214742013-06-28 15:10:17  0.876710print(df.index)# <class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>

You can use:


which yields

score2013-06-28      32013-06-29      2

Note the importance of the parse_dates parameter. Without it, the index would just be a pandas.core.index.Index object. In which case you could not use

So the answer depends on the type(df.index), which you have not shown...

Solution 2:

Otherwise, using the resample function.

In [419]:dfOut[419]:timestamp2013-06-29 00:52:28   -0.4200702013-06-29 00:51:53   -0.4457202013-06-28 16:40:43    0.5081612013-06-28 15:10:30    0.9214742013-06-28 15:10:17    0.876710Name:score,dtype:float64In [420]:df.resample('D',how={'score':'count'})Out[420]:2013-06-28    32013-06-29    2dtype:int64

UPDATE : with pandas 0.18+

as @jbochi pointed out, resample with how is now deprecated. Use instead :


Solution 3:

In [145]:dfOut[145]:timestamp2013-06-29 00:52:28   -0.4200702013-06-29 00:51:53   -0.4457202013-06-28 16:40:43    0.5081612013-06-28 15:10:30    0.9214742013-06-28 15:10:17    0.876710Name:score,dtype:float64In [160]:df.groupby([160]:2013-06-28    32013-06-29    2dtype:int64

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