Switching Python Version (3.9 → 3.8) Installed By Homebrew
Solution 1:
I'm glad you were able to fix the issue your own way, but let me add some advice. Generally speaking, downgrading Python (or really any program) is not usually a supported operation. Upgrading may upgrade dependencies in other packages that are not backwards compatible with older versions of Python or other dependencies. In short, you shouldn't even want to "downgrade" a package, ever.
Instead, you should use multiple independent environments e.g. with virtualenv so that, if ever you need a lower version for some reason, you can replace the entire environment with a new one of lower version (note the subtle difference from "downgrading" because you are using a new environment completely).
Solution 2:
Well, sometimes it helps to ask the question to find the solution on your own – one of the great things of StackOverflow, by the way.
The hint is in the warning of pipenv: "Your Pipfile requires python_version 3.9".
I simply did
rm Pipfile
rm Pipfile.lock
and then it worked:
pipenv install google-ads
Well, at least pipenv
worked correctly with Python 3.8. There is still an issue with google-ads
, but that's another story.
Probably it would have been enough to change the Pipfile:
[requires]python_version = "3.8"
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