Table Of Pairwise Frequency Counts In Python
Solution 1:
This can be set up using a dictionary set up and use collections and Counter to do the analysis. However, I will show an analysis using the simplest dictionary and loop methods. Of course the actual code can be made smaller, I am deliberately showing the expanded version. My Python does not have Pandas available, so I am using the most basic Python.
# Assume the you have a set of tuples lstlst.sort()# sort the list by idmydict= {}
id=Nonetags= []
for ids in lst:ifids[0]==id# Pick up the current entrytags.append(ids[1])else:# This is a new id# check the count of the previous tags.for elem1 in tags:for elem2 in tags:ifelem1!=elem2:if elem1 not in mydict:mydict[elem1]= {}
ifelem2notinmydict[elem1]:mydict[elem1][elem2]=0mydict[elem1][elem2]+=1# This is a different id, reset the indicators for the next loopid=ids[0]tags=ids[1]# This is a new idelse:# The last element of the lst has to be processed as well# check the count of the previous tags.for elem1 in tags:for elem2 in tags:ifelem1!=elem2:if elem1 not in mydict:mydict[elem1]= {}
ifelem2notinmydict[elem1]:mydict[elem1][elem2]=0mydict[elem1][elem2]+=1# at this point, my dict has the full dictionary countfortaginmydict.keys():printtag,mydict[tag]
This now gives the tags with the counts and you can format your output by looping over the final dictionary, printing the keys and counts appropriately.
Solution 2:
Here is one way of doing this in Pandas, which uses DataFrames similar to R. I am assuming you have a DataFrame df
containing your data. (You can read the data from file using pandas.read_table. see thid:
First, use groupby
to group the columns by id
gps=df.groupby("id")printgps.groupsOut: {5: [0, 1], 6: [2, 3], 7: [4, 5, 6], 8: [7], 9: [8], 10: [9]}
gives the row numbers that belong to same id.
Next, you create your target matrix having row and column names as unique values in your featureCode
unqFet = list(set(df["featureCode"]))
final = pandas.DataFrame(columns=unqFet, index=unqFet)
final = final.fillna(0)
print final
PCLI 000
PPLC 000
PPL 000
Finally, loop over your groups and increment correct values in your final
for g in gps.groups.values():
for i in range(len(g)):
for j in range(len(g)):
if i != j:
final[ df["featureCode"][g[i]] ][ df["featureCode"][g[j]] ] += 1print final
PCLI 031
PPLC 301
PPL 110
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