Why Does The Shape Remains Same When I Sum A Square Numpy Array Along Either Directions?
Solution 1:
An array with the same shape as
, with the specified axis removed.
With one axis removed in both cases, you are left with a singleton tuple.
2 axes - 1 specified axis = 1 axis
However, passing keepdims
as True
in both gives different shapes, retaining all the axes in the original array with a corresponding change of length along the specified axis:
>>> arr.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
array([[ 9, 12, 15]])
>>> arr.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
array([[ 3],
Solution 2:
Because summing along the axis of a ND array yields a (N-1)D array. This makes sense if you consider that
np.sum([1,2,3]) == 6# a 0D 'array'
If you want to turn your arr.sum(1)
into a (1, 3)
or (3, 1)
2D array, then use
s = arr.sum(0)[np.newaxis, :] # (1, 3)
s = arr.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis] # (3, 1)
Solution 3:
According to the documentation this is what you'll get:
sum_along_axis : ndarray
An array with the same shape as a, with the specified axis removed. If a is a 0-d array, or if axis is None, a scalar is returned. If an output array is specified, a reference to out is returned.
The shape of arr
is indeed (3,3)
and is two-dimensional. If you remove one axis you'll be left with a shape of (3,)
- which is one-dimensional.
An array with shape (1,3)
still has two axes.
Solution 4:
have a logic which is not the same than Matlab or even mathematics. From here :
Handling of vectors (one-dimensional arrays) For array, the vector shapes 1xN, Nx1, and N are all different things. Operations like A[:,1] return a one-dimensional array of shape N, not a two-dimensional array of shape Nx1. Transpose on a one-dimensional array does nothing.
Numpy story began not with linear algebra, so a one dimension object is always horizontal, cannot be transposed, an so on. It is confusing first time with a different background, but with a lot advantages in other fields. in numpy 2-dim arrays are lines (dim0) of columns(dim1), like for matrix, but selecting a line or a column return always ... a line !
As an example :
In [1]: m=np.arange(6).reshape(3,2)
In [2]: m
array([[0, 1],
[2, 3],
[4, 5]])
In [3]: m[0,:]
Out[3]: array([0, 1])
In [4]: m[:,0]
Out[4]: array([0, 2, 4])
This convention accepted, nothing is very difficult.
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