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Create A Formal Linear Function In Sympy

I have an expression in Sympy (like -M - n + x(n) ) and I would like to create a formal linear function, says f, and apply it to my expression, in order to get, after simplificat

Solution 1:

This works:

>>>x,f = map(Function, 'xf'); n,M = symbols('n,M'); expr = -M - n + x(n)>>>Add(*[f(a) for a in Add.make_args(expr)])
f(-M) + f(-n) + f(x(n))

If you have an expression like f(n*(M + 1)) and you expand it you will get f(n*M + n). Can you tell SymPy to apply the function to the args of f's args? Yes:

>>>expr = f(n*(M + 1))>>>expr.expand().replace(lambda x: x.func == f,...lambda x: Add(*[f(a) for a in Add.make_args(x.args[0])]))
f(n) + f(M*n)

If you call such a replacement linapp you can use it for any function that you want:

def linapp(expr, *f):
    return expr.expand().replace(
      lambda x: x.func in f,
      lambda x: Add(*[x.func(a) for a in Add.make_args(x.args[0])]))

>>> print(linapp(cos(x+y) + sin(x + y), cos, sin))
sin(x) + sin(y) + cos(x) + cos(y)

(Not saying that it's a true result, just that you can do it. And if you replace a variable with something else and you want to reapply the linearization, you can:

>>> linapp(_.subs(y, z + 1), cos)
sin(x) + sin(z + 1) + cos(x) + cos(z) + cos(1)

Solution 2:

Here's a hackey way that goes through the syntactic tree:

from sympy import *
M,n=symbols('M n')
thing=-f(M) - f(n) + f(x(n))
    return bro.args[0] iflen(bro.args) == 1else bro.args[0] * bro.args[1].args[0]
print([ linerize_element(tmp) for tmp in thing.args])

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