Elegant Way To Replace Values In Pandas.dataframe From Another Dataframe
I have a data frame that I want to replace the values in one column, with values from another dataframe. df = pd.DataFrame({'id1': [1001,1002,1001,1003,1004,1005,1002,1006],
Solution 1:
try merge():
merge= df.merge(dfReplace, left_on='id1', right_on='id2', how='left')
merge.ix[(merge.id1 == merge.id2), 'value1'] = merge.value2
del merge['id2']
del merge['value2']
id1value1value3id2value201001 ayes1001 rep111002 bno1002 rep221001 cyes1001 rep131003 dnoNaNNaN41004 enoNaNNaN51005 fnoNaNNaN61002 gyes1002 rep271006 hnoNaNNaNid1value1value3id2value201001 rep1yes1001 rep111002 rep2no1002 rep221001 rep1yes1001 rep131003 dnoNaNNaN41004 enoNaNNaN51005 fnoNaNNaN61002 rep2yes1002 rep271006 hnoNaNNaNid1value1value301001 rep1yes11002 rep2no21001 rep1yes31003 dno41004 eno51005 fno61002 rep2yes71006 hno
Solution 2:
This is a little cleaner if you already have the indexes set to id, but if not you can still do in one line:
>>>(dfReplace.set_index('id2').rename(columns= {'value2':'value1'} ).combine_first(df.set_index('id1')))value1value31001 rep1yes1001 rep1yes1002 rep2no1002 rep2yes1003 dno1004 eno1005 fno1006 hno
If you separate into three lines and do the renaming and re-indexing separately, you can see that the combine_first()
by itself is actually very simple:
>>>df = df.set_index('id1')>>>dfReplace = dfReplace.set_index('id2').rename( columns={'value2':'value1'} )>>>dfReplace.combine_first(df)
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