Group By Hour In Sqlalchemy?
How do I group query results by the hour part of a datetime column in SQLAlchemy?
Solution 1:
This works for PostgreSQL:
.group_by(func.date_trunc('hour', date_col))
Solution 2:
If I remember correctly you must first extract the hour from your timestamp and then you can group by that.
query(extract('hour', timeStamp).label('h')).group_by('h')
Solution 3:
Recently I had to do a similar thing using SqlAlchemy and MySQL and ended up using the DATE_FORMAT ( to group by hour, minute, second
.group_by(func.date_format(date_col, '%H:%i:%s'))
To only group by hour it would be '%H'
instead of '%H:%I:%s'
Solution 4:
You can also do it in Python. Assuming you have an ordered query_result
from itertools import groupby
defgrouper( item ):
return item.created.hour
for ( hour, items ) in groupby( query_result, grouper ):
for item in items:
# do stuff
This answer is adapted from an answer to a similar question here
Baca Juga
Solution 5:
In Oracle, use func.trunc(MyTable.dt, 'HH')
It is a bit finicky, however. This fails:
q = session.query(func.trunc(MyTable.dt, 'HH'), func.sum(MyTable.qty) \
.group_by(func.trunc(MyTable.dt, 'HH'))
But this succeeds:
trunc_date = func.trunc(MyTable.dt, 'HH')
q = session.query(trunc_date, func.sum(MyTable.qty) \
Thanks to this thread for the tip.
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