How To Continuously Move An Image Smoothly In Pygame?
Yes, I know that there are similar questions out there, and I have read through them, but they do not help me (or most likely I just don't understand them enough to use them). FYI:
Solution 1:
Do not "move" the image by 10, but move it by 1.
The method tick()
of a pygame.time.Clock
object, delays the game in that way, that every iteration of the loop consumes the same period of time. See pygame.time.Clock.tick()
This method should be called once per frame.
That means that the loop:
var_x, var_bounce, speed_x = 0, 0, 2# application loop
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
run = Truewhile run:
if var_bounce == 0:
if var_x > -207:
var_x = var_x - speed_x
var_bounce = 1elif var_bounce == 1:
if var_x < 0:
var_x = var_x + speed_x
var_bounce = 0# [...]
Minimal example:
import pygame
window = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
background = pygame.Surface((window.get_width()+200, window.get_height()))
ts, w, h, c1, c2 = 100, *background.get_size(), (64, 64, 64), (127, 64, 64)
tiles = [((x*ts, y*ts, ts, ts), c1 if (x+y) % 2 == 0else c2) for x inrange((w+ts-1)//ts) for y inrange((h+ts-1)//ts)]
for rect, color in tiles:
pygame.draw.rect(background, color, rect)
var_x, var_bounce, speed_x = 0, 0, 2defscroll():
global var_x, var_bounce
if var_bounce == 0:
if var_x > -200:
var_x = var_x - speed_x
var_bounce = 1elif var_bounce == 1:
if var_x < 0:
var_x = var_x + speed_x
var_bounce = 0
run = Falsewhilenot run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = True
window.blit(background, (var_x, 0))
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