How To Fix "missingheaders" Error While Appending Where Clause With S3 Select
I have a csv file in the format IDATE_TIMESTAMP,OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE,VOLUME 1535535060,94.36,94.36,94.36,94.36,1 1535535120,94.36,94.36,93.8,93.8,1 1535535180,93.8,93.8,93.8,93.8,0
Solution 1:
I know this is a bit late and might not be the solution to your issue, but I was having a similar one.
My issue turned out to be that I was attempting to perform an S3 Select on an object with UTF-8-BOM encoding, rather than just UTF-8. It turns out that the 3 byte BOM header was being interpreted as part of the first field in the CSV object, essentially corrupting the first column name.
As a result, rather than "IDATE_TIMESTAMP", the first column would be seen by the S3 Select call as "xxxIDATE_TIMESTAMP", causing an error when your expected column is "missing".
Solution 2:
The timestamp columns need to be casted as int. The following query:
fromTs = 1535535480toTs = 1535535480
SELECT * FROM s3object s
where cast(s.IDATE_TIMESTAMP asint) >= {}
AND cast(s.IDATE_TIMESTAMP asint) <= {}".format(fromTs, toTs)
would work in python 3.
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