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How To Get Source Corresponding To A Python Ast Node?

Python AST nodes have lineno and col_offset attributes, which indicate the beginning of respective code range. Is there an easy way to get also the end of the code range? A 3rd par

Solution 1:

EDIT: Latest code (tested in Python 3.5-3.7) is here:

As I didn't find an easy way, here's a hard (and probably not optimal) way. Might crash and/or work incorrectly if there are more lineno/col_offset bugs in Python parser than those mentioned (and worked around) in the code. Tested in Python 3.3:

defmark_code_ranges(node, source):
    Node is an AST, source is corresponding source as string.
    Function adds recursively attributes end_lineno and end_col_offset to each node
    which has attributes lineno and col_offset.

    NON_VALUE_KEYWORDS = set(keyword.kwlist) - {'False', 'True', 'None'}

        ifisinstance(node, ast.Dict):
            children = []
            for i inrange(len(node.keys)):
            return children
        elifisinstance(node, ast.Call):
            children = [node.func] + node.args

            for kw in node.keywords:

            if node.starargs != None:
            if node.kwargs != None:

            children.sort(key=lambda x: (x.lineno, x.col_offset))
            return children
            return ast.iter_child_nodes(node)    

    def_fix_triple_quote_positions(root, all_tokens):
        string_tokens = list(filter(lambda tok: tok.type == token.STRING, all_tokens))

            ifisinstance(node, ast.Str):
                tok = string_tokens.pop(0)
                node.lineno, node.col_offset = tok.start

            for child in _get_ordered_child_nodes(node):


        # fix their erroneous Expr parents   for node in ast.walk(root):
            if ((isinstance(node, ast.Expr) orisinstance(node, ast.Attribute))
                andisinstance(node.value, ast.Str)):
                node.lineno, node.col_offset = node.value.lineno, node.value.col_offset

        """for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):

        ifisinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
            node.lineno = node.left.lineno
            node.col_offset = node.left.col_offset

    def_extract_tokens(tokens, lineno, col_offset, end_lineno, end_col_offset):
        returnlist(filter((lambda tok: tok.start[0] >= lineno
                                   and (tok.start[1] >= col_offset or tok.start[0] > lineno)
                                   and tok.end[0] <= end_lineno
                                   and (tok.end[1] <= end_col_offset or tok.end[0] < end_lineno)
                                   and tok.string != ''),

    def_mark_code_ranges_rec(node, tokens, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset):
        Returns the earliest starting position found in given tree, 
        this is convenient for internal handling of the siblings
        """# set end markers to this nodeif"lineno"in node._attributes and"col_offset"in node._attributes:
            tokens = _extract_tokens(tokens, node.lineno, node.col_offset, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset)
            #tokens = 
            _set_real_end(node, tokens, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset)

        # mark its children, starting from last one# NB! need to sort children because eg. in dict literal all keys come first and then all values
        children = list(_get_ordered_child_nodes(node))
        for child inreversed(children):
            (prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset) = \
                _mark_code_ranges_rec(child, tokens, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset)

        if"lineno"in node._attributes and"col_offset"in node._attributes:
            # new "front" is beginning of this node
            prelim_end_lineno = node.lineno
            prelim_end_col_offset = node.col_offset

        return (prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset)

        while (tokens[-1].typenotin (token.RBRACE, token.RPAR, token.RSQB,
                                      token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING, 
                    and tokens[-1].string notin")}]"or tokens[-1].string in NON_VALUE_KEYWORDS):
            del tokens[-1]

    def_strip_trailing_extra_closers(tokens, remove_naked_comma):
        level = 0for i inrange(len(tokens)):
            if tokens[i].string in"({[":
                level += 1elif tokens[i].string in")}]":
                level -= 1if level == 0and tokens[i].string == ","and remove_naked_comma:
                tokens[:] = tokens[0:i]
                returnif level < 0:
                tokens[:] = tokens[0:i]
                returndef_set_real_end(node, tokens, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset):
        # prelim_end_lineno and prelim_end_col_offset are the start of # next positioned node or end of source, ie. the suffix of given# range may contain keywords, commas and other stuff not belonging to current node# Function returns the list of tokens which cover all its childrenifisinstance(node, _ast.stmt):
            # remove empty trailing lineswhile (tokens[-1].typein (tokenize.NL, tokenize.COMMENT, token.NEWLINE, token.INDENT)
                   or tokens[-1].string in (":", "else", "elif", "finally", "except")):
                del tokens[-1]

            _strip_trailing_extra_closers(tokens, notisinstance(node, ast.Tuple))

        # set the end markers of this node
        node.end_lineno = tokens[-1].end[0]
        node.end_col_offset = tokens[-1].end[1]

        # Try to peel off more tokens to give better estimate for children# Empty parens would confuse the children of no argument Callif ((isinstance(node, ast.Call)) 
            andnot (node.args or node.keywords or node.starargs or node.kwargs)):
            assert tokens[-1].string == ')'del tokens[-1]
        # attribute name would confuse the "value" of Attributeelifisinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
            if tokens[-1].type == token.NAME:
                del tokens[-1]
                raise AssertionError("Expected token.NAME, got " + str(tokens[-1]))
                #import sys#print("Expected token.NAME, got " + str(tokens[-1]), file=sys.stderr)return tokens

    all_tokens = list(tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(source.encode('utf-8')).readline))
    _fix_triple_quote_positions(node, all_tokens)
    source_lines = source.split("\n") 
    prelim_end_lineno = len(source_lines)
    prelim_end_col_offset = len(source_lines[len(source_lines)-1])
    _mark_code_ranges_rec(node, all_tokens, prelim_end_lineno, prelim_end_col_offset)

Solution 2:

We had a similar need, and I created the asttokens library for this purpose. It maintains the source in both text and tokenized form, and marks AST nodes with token information, from which text is also readily available.

It works with Python 2 and 3 (tested with 2.7 and 3.5). For example:

import ast, asttokens
def greet(a):
  say("hello") if a else say("bye")
atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(st, parse=True)
for node in ast.walk(atok.tree):
  ifhasattr(node, 'lineno'):
    print atok.get_text_range(node), node.__class__.__name__, atok.get_text(node)


(1, 50) FunctionDef def greet(a):
  say("hello") if a else say("bye")
(17, 50) Expr say("hello")if a else say("bye")
(11, 12) Name a(17, 50) IfExp say("hello")if a else say("bye")
(33, 34) Name a(17, 29) Call say("hello")
(40, 50) Call say("bye")
(17, 20) Name say(21, 28) Str "hello"
(40, 43) Name say(44, 49) Str "bye"

Solution 3:

ast.get_source_segment was added in python 3.8:

import ast

code = """
if 1 == 1 and 2 == 2 and 3 == 3:
     test = 1
node = ast.parse(code)
ast.get_source_segment(code, node.body[0])

Produces: if 1 == 1 and 2 == 2 and 3 == 3:\n test = 1

Thanks to Blane for his answer in

Solution 4:

Hi I know its very late , But I think is this is what you are looking for, I am doing the parsing only for function definitions in the module. We can get the first and last line of the ast node by this method. This way the source code lines of a function definition can be obtained by parsing the source file by reading only the lines we need . This is a very simple example ,

st='def foo():\n    print "hello" \n\ndef bla():\n    a = 1\n    b = 2\n  
c= a+b\n    print c'

import ast 
tree = ast.parse(st)
forfunctionin tree.body:
    if isinstance(function,ast.FunctionDef):
        # Just in case if there are loops in the definition
        lastBody = func.body[-1]
        while isinstance (lastBody,(ast.For,ast.While,ast.If)):
            lastBody = lastBody.Body[-1]
        lastLine = lastBody.lineno
        print"Name of the function is ",
        print"firstLine of the function is ",function.lineno
        print"LastLine of the function is ",lastLine
        print"the source lines are "if isinstance(st,str):
            st = st.split("\n")
        for i , line in enumerate(st,1):
            if i in range(function.lineno,lastLine+1):
                print line

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