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Psycopg2: Copy Csv Data To Table With Extra Column Values

I am using the copy_expert method in psycopg2 to copy data from a CSV file to a postgresql table. I have postgres table like this: create table my_table ( cola text, c

Solution 1:

Looks like there are a couple of ways to do this by first adding the columns I need to the data, and then uploading the updated data.

Using the petl package:

import psycopg2
from petl import fromcsv, addfield, todb

csv_file ='/path/to/data.csv'table= fromcsv(csv_file)
table= addfield(table, 'colf', 'Some value')
table= addfield(table, 'colg', 'Another value')

conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=test user=user')
todb(table, conn, 'my_table')

This works okay on small data, but it's incredibly slow on large data. The psycopg2copy_from and copy_expert commands seem to go much faster since they make use of postgresql bulk copy. I was able to copy my data using copy_from by first converting my csv file into a pandasdataframe:

import psycopg2
import pandas as pd
from io importStringIO

csv_file = '/path/to/file'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
df['colf'] = 'My value'
df['colg'] = 'Foobar'

In order to make use of the psycopg2copy_ commands, I need to convert the dataframe into a file-like object with read() and readline() methods, which I can do using StringIO:

buf = StringIO()
df.to_csv(buf, header=False, index=False)
buf.pos = 0

Note that you need to set the pos of the buffer to 0, because pandas.to_csv seems to set the pos to the end by default. See this SO answer for an explanation.

Then I can copy that buffer object:

conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=test user=user')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.copy_from(buf, 'my_table', sep=',')

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