Reading Large Tables Into Pandas, Is There A Intermediate Step?
Solution 1:
In a comment I promised to provide some code that can read a table from a server quickly into a local CSV file, then read that CSV file into a Pandas dataframe. Note that this code is written for postgresql, but you could probably adapt it pretty easily for other databases.
Here is the code:
from cStringIO import StringIO
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.sql as sql
import pandas as pd
database = 'my_db'
pg_host = 'my_postgres_server'
table = 'my_table'# note: you should also create a ~/.pgpass file with the credentials needed to access# this server, e.g., a line like "*:*:*:username:password" (if you only access one server)
con = psycopg2.connect(database=database, host=pg_host)
cur = con.cursor()
# Copy data from the database to a dataframe, using psycopg2 .copy_expert() function.
csv = StringIO() # or tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()# The next line is the right way to insert a table name into a query, but it requires # psycopg2 >= 2.7. See here for more details:
copy_query = sql.SQL("COPY {} TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER").format(sql.Identifier(table))
cur.copy_expert(copy_query, csv) # move back to start of csv data
df = pd.read_csv(csv)
Here also is some code that writes large dataframes to the database via the CSV route:
csv = StringIO()
df.to_csv(csv, index=False, header=False)
cur.copy_from(csv, table, sep=',', null='\\N', size=8192, columns=list(df.columns))
I tested this code over my 10 Mbps office network (don't ask!) with a 70,000 row table (5.3 MB as a CSV).
When reading a table from the database, I found that the code above was about 1/3 faster than pandas.read_sql()
(5.5s vs. 8s). I'm not sure that would justify the extra complexity in most cases. This is probably about as fast as you can get -- postgresql's COPY TO ...
command is very fast, and so is Pandas' read_csv
When writing a dataframe to the database, I found that using a CSV file (the code above) was about 50x faster than using pandas' df.to_sql()
(5.8s vs 288s). This is mainly because Pandas doesn't use multi-row inserts. This seems to have been a subject of active discussion for several years -- see .
A couple of notes about chunksize
: this may not do what most users expect. If you set chunksize
in pandas.read_sql()
, the query still runs as one command, but the results are returned to your program in batches; this is done with an iterator that yields each chunk in turn. If you use chunksize
in pandas.to_sql()
, it causes the inserts to be done in batches, reducing memory requirements. However, at least on my system, each batch is still broken down into individual insert
statements for each row, and those take a long time to run.
UPDATE: Pandas added a method
argument to .to_sql()
soon after I wrote this, which may do exactly what you want. Check the documentation for the 'multi'
and callable
Solution 2:
It appears that the .read_sql()
method has a chunksize
argument. Have you tried something like df = pd.read_sql(query, session, chunksize = 100,000)
? (I'm using a chunksize of 100k since you said 100k records weren't a problem).
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