Taking The Last State From Bilstm (bigru) In Pytorch
Solution 1:
In a general case if you want to create your own BiLSTM network, you need to create two regular LSTMs, and feed one with the regular input sequence, and the other with inverted input sequence. After you finish feeding both sequences, you just take the last states from both nets and somehow tie them together (sum or concatenate).
As I understand, you are using built-in BiLSTM as in this example (setting bidirectional=True
in nn.LSTM constructor). Then you get the concatenated output after feeding the batch, as PyTorch handles all the hassle for you.
If it is the case, and you want to sum the hidden states, then you have to
u_emb_batch = (lasthidden[0, :, :] + lasthidden[1, :, :])
assuming you have only one layer. If you have more layers, your variant seem better.
This is because the result is structured (see documentation):
h_n of shape (num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size): tensor containing the hidden state for t = seq_len
By the way,
u_emb_batch_2 = output[-1, :, :HIDDEN_DIM] + output[-1, :, HIDDEN_DIM:]
should provide the same result.
Solution 2:
Here's a detailed explanation for those working with unpacked sequences:
is of shape (seq_len, batch, num_directions * hidden_size)
(see documentation). This means that the output of the forward and backward passes of your GRU are concatenated along the 3rd dimension.
Assuming batch=2
and hidden_size=256
in your example, you can easily separate the outputs of both forward and backward passes by doing:
output = output.view(-1, 2, 2, 256) # (seq_len, batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size)
output_forward = output[:, :, 0, :] # (seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size)
output_backward = output[:, :, 1, :] # (seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size)
(Note: the -1
tells pytorch to infer that dimension from the others. See this question.)
Equivalently, you can use the torch.chunk
function on the original output
of shape (seq_len, batch, num_directions * hidden_size)
# Split in 2 tensors along dimension 2 (num_directions)
output_forward, output_backward = torch.chunk(output, 2, 2)
Now you can torch.gather
the last hidden state of the forward pass using seqlengths
(after reshaping it), and the last hidden state of the backward pass by selecting the element at position 0
# First we unsqueeze seqlengths two times so it has the same number of# of dimensions as output_forward# (batch_size) -> (1, batch_size, 1)lengths = seqlengths.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2)
# Then we expand it accordingly# (1, batch_size, 1) -> (1, batch_size, hidden_size) lengths = lengths.expand((1, -1, output_forward.size(2)))
last_forward = torch.gather(output_forward, 0, lengths - 1).squeeze(0)
last_backward = output_backward[0, :, :]
Note that I subtracted 1
from lengths
because of the 0-based indexing
A this point both last_forward
and last_backward
are of shape (batch_size, hidden_dim)
Solution 3:
I tested the biLSTM output and h_n:
# shape of x is size(batch_size, time_steps, input_size)# shape of output (batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size * num_directions)# shape of h_n is size(num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)
output, (h_n, _c_n) = biLSTM(x)
print('first step (element) of output from reverse == h_n from reverse?',
output[:, 0, hidden_size:] == h_n[1])
print('last step (element) of output from reverse == h_n from reverse?',
output[:, -1, hidden_size:] == h_n[1])
first step (element) of output from reverse == h_n from reverse? Truelast step (element) of output from reverse == h_n from reverse? False
This confirmed that the h_n of the reverse direction is the hidden state of the first time step.
So, if you really need the hidden state of the last time step from both forward and reverse direction, you should use:
sum_lasthidden = output[:, -1, :hidden_size] + output[:, -1, hidden_size:]
h_n[0,:,:] + h_n[1,:,:]
As h_n[1,:,:]
is the hidden state of the first time step from the reverse direction.
So the answer from @igrinis
u_emb_batch = (lasthidden[0, :, :] + lasthidden[1, :, :])
is not correct.
But in theory, last time step hidden state from the reverse direction only contains information from the last time step of the sequence.
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