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Typeerror("unsupported Operand Type(s) For ** Or Pow(): 'str' And 'int'",)

import math A = input('Enter Wright in KG PLease :') B = input('Enter Height in Meters Please :') while (any(x.isalpha() for x in A)): print('No Letters Please') A = in

Solution 1:

Try doing

B = float(input( "Enter Height in meters : "))

Solution 2:

You can make this less complicated by casting to float and catching ValueError to detect invalid input. Note that it'd be more user-friendly to split this into two while loops, one each for a and b, but this is just to illustrate the idea:

a = b = Nonewhilenot (a and b):
        a = float(input("Weight (kg): "))
        b = float(input("Height (m): "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid input")

c = a / (b ** 2)

if c <= 18.5:
elif18.5 < c < 25:
    print("Healthy weight")

Also, not (a and b) will keep requesting input in the event that one of the inputs was zero, which I think is appropriate behavior in this case.

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