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What Could Be The Alternative Type Of 'darwin-arm64' On Bazel 3.7.2 For Setting Mediapipe On Mac M1?

I'm trying to install 'mediapipe' at pyhton3.8.6 on mac m1 big sur 11.3.1 so when I'm trying to install bazel and run 'the Hello World desktop' example. $ brew search bazel ==>

Solution 1:

There are no bazel releases for Apple Silicon before the 4 series ( I think 4.1.0 was the first with M1 support)

The error you are seeing is because the .bazelversion file in the source repo has 3.7.2 in it. Try editing this to be 4.1.0 to get past the error you are seeing.

Note that this will require you to install from the mediapipe source repo and not via pip.

Solution 2:


that is the exact problem I stuck in.

I already installed 4.1.0.

so that's why I saw this error.

fail toget bazel version by 
$ bazel --version: b'\x1b[31mERROR: 
The project you\'re trying to build requires Bazel 3.7.2 
(specified in /Users/san/work/tools/mediapipe/.bazelversion), 
but it wasn\'t found in/opt/homebrew/Cellar/bazel/4.1.0/libexec/bin.\x1b[0m\n\nBazel binaries forall official releases can be downloaded from here:\n\n\nYou can download the 
required version directly using this command:\n  
(cd "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/bazel/4.1.0/libexec/bin" && curl -fLO && chmod +x bazel-3.7.2-darwin-arm64)\n'%

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