Where To Put Images Folder In Python Exe?
Solution 1:
When you build a distributable package with py2exe (and py2app for that matter), part of the package environment is to point to a local resource location for files. In your plain unpackaged version, you are referring to a relative "images/" location. For the packaged version, you need to configure your setup.py
to include the resources in its own location.
Refer to this doc for very specific info about how to set the data_files
option of your package: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/data_files
That page has multiple examples to show both very simple paths, and also a helper function for finding the data and building the data_files
list for you.
Here is an example of the simple snippet:
from distutils.coreimport setup
import py2exe
Mydata_files = [('images', ['c:/path/to/image/image.png'])]
data_files = Mydata_files
"unbuffered": True,
"optimize": 2,
"excludes": ["email"]
This closely matches what you are trying to achieve. It is saying that the "image.png" source file should be placed into the "images" directory at the root of the resources location inside the package. This resource root will be your current directory from your python scripts, so you can continue to refer to it as a relative sub directory.
Solution 2:
It looks like you've already fixed the image problem by moving the folder into dist. The missing font module, on the other hand, is a known problem between pygame and py2exe. Py2exe doesn't copy some necessary DLLs, so you have to override py2exe's isSystemDLL
method, forcing it to include audio and font related DLLs.
If Table_Wars.py is the only module in your project, try running this script with python setup.py py2exe
from os.path import basename
from distutils.core import setup
importpy2exeorigIsSystemDLL= py2exe.build_exe.isSystemDLL
def isSystemDLL(pathname):
ifbasename(pathname).lower() in ("libogg-0.dll", "sdl_ttf.dll"):
return0return origIsSystemDLL(pathname)
py2exe.build_exe.isSystemDLL = isSystemDLL
setup(windows=[{"script": "Table_Wars.py"}],
options={"py2exe": {"dist_dir": "dist"}})
You could also try the example py2exe setup file on the pygame wiki. If neither of them are working, please add the error messages to your question.
I tried running py2exe on a sample project, and it also breaks for me when I use the default pygame font. If you're using the default font, try putting a ttf file in the root of your project and also in the dist folder. You'll have to change the call to pygame.Font
in your script as well:
font = pygame.font.Font("SomeFont.ttf", 28)
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