Aws Boto - How To Create Instance And Return Instance_id
I want to create a python script where I can pass arguments/inputs to specify instance type and later attach an extra EBS (if needed). ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2','us-east-1') hddSi
Solution 1:
in boto3, create_instances returns a list so to get instance id that was created in the request, following works:
ec2_client = boto3.resource('ec2','us-east-1')
response = ec2_client.create_instances(ImageId='ami-12345', MinCount=1, MaxCount=1)
instance_id = response[0].instance_id
Solution 2:
The docs state that the call to create_instances()
Returns list(ec2.Instance). So you should be able to get the instance ID(s) from the 'id' property of the object(s) in the list.
Solution 3:
you can the following
def createInstance():
instance = ec2.create_instances(
InstanceType = instType,
# return responsereturn instance.instance_id
actually create_instances
returns an ec2.instance
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