Change Pytest Working Directory To Test Case Directory
Solution 1:
The following function-level fixture will change to the test case directory, run the test (yield), then change back to the calling directory to avoid side-effects, as suggested by @hi2meuk:
is a built-in pytest fixturefspath
is theLocalPath
to the test module being executeddirname
is the directory of the test modulerequest.config.invocationdir
- the folder from which pytest was executedrequest.config.rootdir
- pytest root, doesn't change based on where you run pytest. Not used here, but could be useful.
Any processes that are kicked off by the test will use the test case folder as their working directory and copy their logs, outputs, etc. there, regardless of where the test suite was executed.
EDIT: Improved Solution
Using monkeypatch as suggested by @Kound removes the boilerplate code to restore the cwd. You can also enable autouse to automatically apply this fixture to all test functions. Add the following fixture to to change the cwd for all tests:
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True)defchange_test_dir(request, monkeypatch):
Solution 2:
Many options open to you to achieve this. Here are a few.
1. Write a pytest fixture to check if the current working directory is equal to the desired working directory, and if not, then move all the artifact files to the desired directory. If the artifacts you are generating are all the same type of file (e.g. *.jpg, *.png, *.gif) and you just want them to be in a different directory, then this may suffice. Something like this could work
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
cwd = Path.cwd()
desired_dir = Path.home() / 'system-tests' / 'suite-2' / 'sub_suite_2a'if cwd != desired_dir:
for f in cwd.glob('*.jpg'):
shutil.move(f, desired_dir)
And then you can add this fixture to your tests as needed.
You can configure the pytest rootdir
to be the desired directory, since pytest uses the rootdir
to store project/testrun specific info.
When you run pytest, run it as
pytest --rootdir=desired_path
See here for more info:
If both don't work for you, tell more about what your requirements are. Surely this can be done with pytest.
Solution 3:
A different and, IMHO more robust approach: always reference your files by the complete path.
is an automatically declared Python variable that is the name of the current module. So in your
file, it would have the value: system_tests/suite_2/sub_suite_2a/
. Just get the parent and choose where to write your files.
from pathlib importPathtest_data_dir= Path(__file__).parent / "test_data"
Now you have all of them in the same place and can tell your version control system to ignore them.
If the code is inside a library, better use an absolute path:
import os
from pathlib importPathtest_data_dir= Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / "test_data"
Solution 4:
Instead of creating a fixture for each directory like suggested by @DV82XL you can simply use monkeypatch
to achieve the same:
import pytest
from pathlib import Path
@pytest.fixturedefbase_path() -> Path:
"""Get the current folder of the test"""return Path(__file__).parent
deftest_something(base_path: Path, monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch):
monkeypatch.chdir(base_path / "data" )
# Do something in the data folder
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