Create Id Column In A Pandas Dataframe
I have a dataframe containing a trading log. My problem is that I do not have any ID to match buy and sell of a stock. The stock could be traded many times and I would like to have
Solution 1:
Try this:
m = df1['deal'] == 'buy'
df1['ID'] = m.cumsum().where(m)
df1['ID'] = df1.groupby('stock')['ID'].ffill()
stock deal ID
0A buy 1.01B buy 2.02 C buy 3.03A sell 1.04 C sell 3.05A buy 4.06A sell 4.0
- Create a boolean series, True where deal equals 'buy'
- Cumsum and assign to 'ID' to buy records
- Use groupby and ffill to assign 'ID' to next 'sell' record buy 'stock'
Solution 2:
Try This:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'stock': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A','C', 'A', 'A'],
'deal': ['buy', 'buy', 'buy', 'sell','sell', 'buy', 'sell']})
column_length = len(df1["stock"])
found = [0]*column_length
id = [0]*column_length
counter = 0for row_pointer_head inrange(column_length):
if df1["deal"][row_pointer_head]=="buy":
id[row_pointer_head]= counter
found[row_pointer_head] = 1id[row_pointer_head]= counter
for row_pointer_tail inrange(row_pointer_head+1, column_length):
if df1["stock"][row_pointer_head]== df1["stock"][row_pointer_tail] and df1["deal"][row_pointer_tail] =="sell"and found[row_pointer_tail] == 0:
found[row_pointer_tail] = 1id[row_pointer_tail]= counter
df1 = df1.assign(id = id)
return df1
enter code here
stock deal id
0A buy 11B buy 22 C buy 33A sell 14 C sell 35A buy 46A sell 4
Another Example:
Fordf1= pd.DataFrame({'stock': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A','C', 'A', 'A'],
'deal': ['buy', 'buy', 'buy', 'buy','sell', 'sell', 'sell']})
stock deal ID
0 A buy 11 B buy 22 C buy 33 A buy 44 C sell 35 A sell 16 A sell 4
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