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Creating A Python File In A Local Directory

Okay so I'm basically writing a program that creates text files except I want them created in a folder that's in this same folder as the .py file is that possibly? how do I do it?

Solution 1:

To find the the directory that the script is in:

import os

path_to_script = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

Then you can use that for the name of your file:

my_filename = os.path.join(path_to_script, "my_file.txt")

with open(my_filename, "w") as handle:
    print("Hello world!", file=handle)

Solution 2:

use open:

open("folder_name/myfile.txt","w").close()  #if just want tocreate an empty file

If you want to create a file and then do something with it, then it's better to use with statement:

withopen("folder_name/myfile.txt","w") as f:
    #do something with f

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