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How To Make A Auto Reply Event For Dm's

I have this Code but I cant get it run with the Command so I can turn it on and off: auto_dm = 'off' @bot.command() async def autoreply(ctx, mode: str): ''' On or Off ''' awai

Solution 1:

It's never on cause you're not editing the auto_dm variable, you need to use the global keyword in the autoreply command in order to change it

@bot.command()asyncdefautoreply(ctx, mode: str):
    global auto_dm
    await ctx.message.delete()
    auto_dm = mode

Also there are a couple of things wrong with your code

  1. The Events cog doesn't have an __init__ method
  2. You don't need a while loop in the on_message event, there's no purpose for that
  3. You should use booleans instead of on/off
  4. You don't need the else: pass, simply don't put it

Here's the cog fixed

    def__init__(self, bot): = bot

    @commands.Cog.listener()asyncdefon_message(self, message):
        if ==
            return# Exiting if the author of the message is ourselfif auto_dm == 'on': # I'd really recommend you using True/Falseifisinstance(, discord.DMChannel):
                automsg = config.get("automessage")
                time ="%H:%M")
                print(f"{time} | {Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX}[Event]{Fore.RESET} | Auto Reply Message send to {}")

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