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How To Run Tkinter Function With Both A Key Bind And A Button Command?

Is it possible to run a function with both a button press and an event? When I try to run this function by pressing the button, it, understandably, gives an error TypeError: listF

Solution 1:

Try setting event=None for the function and then passing event from the bind only, like:

self.myButton = tk.Button(master, text='ok', command=self.listFiller)

self.myEntry.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.listFiller()) # Same as lambda e: self.listFiller(e)deflistFiller(self, event=None):
    data = self.myEntry.get()

This way, when you press the button, event is taken as None. But when bind is triggered(i.e.,Enter is hit), event is passed on implicitly(works even if you pass it explicitly) as e.

So after you have understood how this works behind the hood, now even if you remove lambda, e would still get passed as event as it happens implicitly.

self.myEntry.bind("<Return>",self.listFiller) # As mentioned by Lafexlos

Though keep in mind, when you press a tkinter button, you cannot use any attributes from event, like event.keysym or anything, but it would work if you use Enter key.

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