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How To Sort A Pandas Dataframe By A Column That Has Both Numbers And Strings?

I have a dataframe that looks like this col0 col1 col2 col4 1 '1ZE7999' 865545 20 20 2 'R022428' 865584 297 0 3

Solution 1:

pd.to_numeric + sort_values + loc -

df.loc[pd.to_numeric(df.col0, errors='coerce').sort_values().index]

        col0    col1  col2  col4
3         34  865665   296     0
4         56  865700   297     0
5        100  865628   292     5
1  '1ZE7999'  865545    20    20
2  'R022428'  865584   297     0


pd.to_numeric coerces non-integral values to NaN -

i = pd.to_numeric(df.col0, errors='coerce')

1      NaN
2      NaN
Name: col0, dtype: float64

sort_values sorts the column, ignoring NaNs.

j = i.sort_values()

3     34.0
4     56.0
5    100.0
1      NaN
2      NaN
Name: col0, dtype: float64

Observe the index. All you need to do is use the index to reindex the dataframe. Either loc or reindex will do it.


        col0    col1  col2  col4
3         34  865665   296     0
4         56  865700   297     0
5        100  865628   292     5
1  '1ZE7999'  865545    20    20
2  'R022428'  865584   297     0

        col0    col1  col2  col4

If you need to reset the index, that's easily done.


        col0    col1  col2  col4

Solution 2:

By using natsort

from natsort import natsorted

df.set_index('col0').reindex(natsorted(df.col0.tolist(), key=lambda y: y.lower())).reset_index()
        col0    col1  col2  col4

Solution 3:

Use index_humansorted from natsort

import natsort
df = df.iloc[natsort.index_humansorted(df['col0'])]

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