I Want To Extract A Certain Number Of Words Surrounding A Given Word In A Long String(paragraph) In Python 2.7
Solution 1:
This will extract all occurrences of the target word in your text, with context:
import re
text = ("Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality ""and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.")
def search(target, text, context=6):
# It's easier to use re.findall to split the string,
# as we get rid of the punctuation
words = re.findall(r'\w+', text)
matches = (i for (i,w) inenumerate(words) if w.lower() == target)
forindexin matches:
if index < context //2:yield words[0:context+1]
elif index > len(words) - context//2 - 1:yield words[-(context+1):]
yield words[index - context//2:index + context//2 + 1]print(list(search('the', text)))
# [['be', 'directed', 'to', 'the', 'full', 'development', 'of'],
# ['full', 'development', 'of', 'the', 'human', 'personality', 'and'],
# ['personality', 'and', 'to', 'the', 'strengthening', 'of', 'respect']]
print(list(search('shall', text)))
# [['Education', 'shall', 'be', 'directed', 'to', 'the', 'full']]
print(list(search('freedoms', text)))
# [['respect', 'for', 'human', 'rights', 'and', 'fundamental', 'freedoms']]
Solution 2:
Tricky with potential for off-by-one errors but I think this meets your spec. I have left removal of punctuation, probably best to remove it before sending the string for analysis. I assumed case was not important.
test_str = "Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."
def get_surrounding_words(search_word, s, n_words):
words = s.lower().split(' ')
i = words.index(search_word)
except ValueError:
return []
# Word is near startif i < n_words/2:
return words[:n_words]
# Word is near endelif i >= len(words) - n_words/2:
return words[-n_words:]
# Word is in middleelse:
return words[i-n_words/2:i+n_words/2]
def test(word):
print('{}: {}'.format(word, get_surrounding_words(word, test_str, 6)))
Solution 3:
import sys, os
args = sys.argv[1:]
if len(args) !=2:
os.exit("Use with <string> <query>")
text = args[0]
query = args[1]
words = text.split()
op = []
index = words.index(query)
if index <=left:
start= index -left
if start+left+right+1> len(words):
start= len(words) -left-right-1
if start<0:
while len(op) <left+rightandstart< len(words):
if start!= index:
start+=1except ValueError:
print op
- How do this work?
- find the word in the string
- See if we can make left+right words from the index the
- Take left+right number of words and save them in op
- print op
Solution 4:
A simple approach to your problem. First separates all the words and then selects words from left and right.
def custom_search(sentence, word, n):
given_string = sentencegiven_word=wordtotal_required=nword_list= given_string.strip().split(" ")
length_of_words = len(word_list)
output_list = []
given_word_position = word_list.index(given_word)
word_from_left = 0
word_from_right = 0if given_word_position + 1 > total_required / 2:
word_from_left = total_required / 2if given_word_position + 1 + (total_required / 2) <= length_of_words:
word_from_right = total_required / 2else:
word_from_right = length_of_words - (given_word_position + 1)
remaining_words = (total_required / 2) - word_from_right
word_from_left += remaining_words
word_from_right = total_required / 2
word_from_left = given_word_position
if word_from_left + word_from_right < total_required:
remaining_words = (total_required / 2) - word_from_left
word_from_right += remaining_wordsrequired_words= []
for i in range(given_word_position - word_from_left, word_from_right +
given_word_position + 1):
if i != given_word_position:
returnrequired_wordssentence="Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."
custom_search(sentence, "shall", 6)
>>[Education, be, directed, to , the , full]
custom_search(sentence, "development", 6)
>>['to', 'the', 'full', 'of', 'the', 'human']
Solution 5:
I don't think regular expressions are necessary here. Assuming the text is well-constructed, just split it up into an array of words, and write a couple if-else statements to make sure it retrieves the necessary amount of surrounding words:
def search(text, word, n):
# text is the string you are searching# word is the word you are looking for# n is the TOTAL number of words you want surrounding the word
words = text.split(" ") # Create an array of words from the string
position = words.index(word) # Find the position of the desired word
distance_from_end = len(words) - position # How many words are after the word in the textif position < n // 2 + n % 2: # If there aren't enough words before...return words[:position], words[position + 1:n + 1]
elif distance_from_end < n // 2 + n % 2: # If there aren't enough words after...return words[position - n + distance_from_end:position], words[position + 1:]
else: # Otherwise, extract an equal number of words from both sides (take from the right if odd)return words[position - n // 2 - n % 2:position], words[position + 1:position + 1 + n//2]string = "Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the \
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."print search(string, "shall", 6)
# >> (['Education'], ['be', 'directed', 'to', 'the', 'full'])print search(string, "human", 5)
# >> (['development', 'of', 'the'], ['personality', 'and'])
In your example you didn't have the target word included in the output, so I kept it out as well. If you'd like the target word included simply combine the two arrays the function returns (join them at position
Hope this helped!
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