Is There An Equivalent Of Pymongo For Python 3.2?
I attempted to install pymongo to my Windows box with Python 3.2 through easy_install, only to find that it will not install due to incompatibilities with Python 3.2. Therefore, is
Solution 1:
Edit: this answer is outdated. PyMongo now officially supports Python 3.
The answer was already given in comments, but I'll provide a comprehensive summary nontheless:
- As of May 2011, Python 3 is not officially supported by MongoDB
- Ticket for "Support for Python 3" has been some years ago ( so the MongoDB developers are aware of this need.
- As already told by Adam, there is a port of PyMongo for Python 3 in PyPi ( which could be used and is defined as "semi-official"
- Source codes for the Python 3 fork are available at
- If you want make on impact on making this fork official make an upvote to its ticket (
- With enough upvotes/user requests, I would expect to get an official Python 3 driver someday
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Via freenode and #web.
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