Layer Image With Opacity Over The Top Of Another Image. - Opencv
Edit Anybody with a similar problem - I found another SO answer here with a great python solution that exploits the speed of NumPy. Please consider the following problem: I have tw
Solution 1:
here is C++ code gives exactly the result you want.
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "iostream"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
void overlayImage(Mat* src, Mat* overlay, const Point& location)
for (int y = max(location.y, 0); y < src->rows; ++y)
int fY = y - location.y;
if (fY >= overlay->rows)
for (int x = max(location.x, 0); x < src->cols; ++x)
int fX = x - location.x;
if (fX >= overlay->cols)
double opacity = ((double)overlay->data[fY * overlay->step + fX * overlay->channels() + 3]) / 255;
for (int c = 0; opacity > 0 && c < src->channels(); ++c)
unsigned char overlayPx = overlay->data[fY * overlay->step + fX * overlay->channels() + c];
unsigned char srcPx = src->data[y * src->step + x * src->channels() + c];
src->data[y * src->step + src->channels() * x + c] = srcPx * (1. - opacity) + overlayPx * opacity;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
Mat overlay = imread("ZuWDz.png",IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
Mat underlay = imread("CtBAe.png",IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
if( underlay.empty() || overlay.empty() )
return -1;
overlayImage( &underlay, &overlay, Point() );
imshow("underlay result",underlay);
return 0;
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