Matplotlib Render All Internal Voxels (with Alpha)
I want to render a volume in matplotlib. The volume is a simple 7x7x7 cube, and I want to be able to see all internal voxels (even though I know it will look like a mess). I've be
Solution 1:
To turn my comments above into an answer:
- You may always just plot all voxels as in
- The official example solves this problem by offsettingt the faces of the voxels by a bit, such they are all drawn.
- This matplotlib issue discusses the missing faces on internal cubes. There is a pull request which has some issues still and it hence not merged yet.
Despite the small issues, you may monkey patch the current status of the pull request into your code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, art3d # NOQAfrom matplotlib.cbook import _backports
from collections import defaultdict
import types
defvoxels(self, *args, **kwargs):
iflen(args) >= 3:
# underscores indicate position onlydefvoxels(__x, __y, __z, filled, **kwargs):
return (__x, __y, __z), filled, kwargs
defvoxels(filled, **kwargs):
returnNone, filled, kwargs
xyz, filled, kwargs = voxels(*args, **kwargs)
# check dimensionsif filled.ndim != 3:
raise ValueError("Argument filled must be 3-dimensional")
size = np.array(filled.shape, dtype=np.intp)
# check xyz coordinates, which are one larger than the filled shape
coord_shape = tuple(size + 1)
if xyz isNone:
x, y, z = np.indices(coord_shape)
x, y, z = (_backports.broadcast_to(c, coord_shape) for c in xyz)
def_broadcast_color_arg(color, name):
if np.ndim(color) in (0, 1):
# single color, like "red" or [1, 0, 0]return _backports.broadcast_to(
color, filled.shape + np.shape(color))
elif np.ndim(color) in (3, 4):
# 3D array of strings, or 4D array with last axis rgbif np.shape(color)[:3] != filled.shape:
raise ValueError(
"When multidimensional, {} must match the shape of ""filled".format(name))
return color
raise ValueError("Invalid {} argument".format(name))
# intercept the facecolors, handling defaults and broacasting
facecolors = kwargs.pop('facecolors', None)
if facecolors isNone:
facecolors = self._get_patches_for_fill.get_next_color()
facecolors = _broadcast_color_arg(facecolors, 'facecolors')
# broadcast but no default on edgecolors
edgecolors = kwargs.pop('edgecolors', None)
edgecolors = _broadcast_color_arg(edgecolors, 'edgecolors')
# include possibly occluded internal faces or not
internal_faces = kwargs.pop('internal_faces', False)
# always scale to the full array, even if the data is only in the center
self.auto_scale_xyz(x, y, z)
# points lying on corners of a square
square = np.array([
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0]
], dtype=np.intp)
voxel_faces = defaultdict(list)
""" Generator of cyclic permutation matices """
mat = np.eye(n, dtype=np.intp)
for i inrange(n):
yield mat
mat = np.roll(mat, 1, axis=0)
for permute in permutation_matrices(3):
pc, qc, rc =
pinds = np.arange(pc)
qinds = np.arange(qc)
rinds = np.arange(rc)
square_rot =
for p in pinds:
for q in qinds:
p0 =[p, q, 0])
i0 = tuple(p0)
if filled[i0]:
voxel_faces[i0].append(p0 + square_rot)
# draw middle facesfor r1, r2 inzip(rinds[:-1], rinds[1:]):
p1 =[p, q, r1])
p2 =[p, q, r2])
i1 = tuple(p1)
i2 = tuple(p2)
if filled[i1] and (internal_faces ornot filled[i2]):
voxel_faces[i1].append(p2 + square_rot)
elif (internal_faces ornot filled[i1]) and filled[i2]:
voxel_faces[i2].append(p2 + square_rot)
# draw upper faces
pk =[p, q, rc-1])
pk2 =[p, q, rc])
ik = tuple(pk)
if filled[ik]:
voxel_faces[ik].append(pk2 + square_rot)
# iterate over the faces, and generate a Poly3DCollection for each voxel
polygons = {}
for coord, faces_inds in voxel_faces.items():
# convert indices into 3D positionsif xyz isNone:
faces = faces_inds
faces = []
for face_inds in faces_inds:
ind = face_inds[:, 0], face_inds[:, 1], face_inds[:, 2]
face = np.empty(face_inds.shape)
face[:, 0] = x[ind]
face[:, 1] = y[ind]
face[:, 2] = z[ind]
poly = art3d.Poly3DCollection(faces,
polygons[coord] = poly
return polygons
spatial_axes = [5, 5, 5]
filled = np.ones(spatial_axes, dtype=np.bool)
colors = np.empty(spatial_axes + [4], dtype=np.float32)
alpha = .5
colors[0] = [1, 0, 0, alpha]
colors[1] = [0, 1, 0, alpha]
colors[2] = [0, 0, 1, alpha]
colors[3] = [1, 1, 0, alpha]
colors[4] = [0, 1, 1, alpha]
# set all internal colors to black with alpha=1
colors[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1, 0:3] = 0
colors[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1, 3] = 1
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot('111', projection='3d')
ax.voxels = types.MethodType(voxels, ax)
ax.voxels(filled, facecolors=colors, edgecolors='k',internal_faces=True)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot('111', projection='3d')
ax.voxels = types.MethodType(voxels, ax)
filled[-1] = False
ax.voxels(filled, facecolors=colors, edgecolors='k',internal_faces=True)
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