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Object Not Behaving Correctly

I'm using Livewires and pygame and one of my objects in the game that gives you extra lives is being mistaken as an asteroid object, and when the extra lives objects collides with

Solution 1:

Here is your problem:

    if lives.value <=0:

The fact that you call your loop variable asteroid does not mean that it's magically only going to ever be an asteroid. Not if you have other kinds of objects you can collide with! overlapping_sprites is all overlapping sprites, not just asteroids. At some point asteroid is an ExtraLives object. When you try to call handle_caught() on it, this obviously fails because ExtraLives doesn't have a handle_caught() method.

The simplest solution here is to rename add_extralives to handle_caught on your ExtraLives class. After all, you're doing the same thing: handling the situation where you collide with (or "catch") the object, it's just a different kind of object so the result needs to be different, which you specify by providing different code. Being able to implement entirely different kinds of behavior by calling the same methods (called "polymorphism") is kinda the whole point of object-oriented programming.

The following loop has a similar problem, in that you're calling add_extralives() on objects that might not be of type ExtraLives. Fortunately you can remove this code since you're already handling this situation by renaming add_extralives to handle_caught.


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