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Optimize Python Code With Basic Libraries

I'm trying to do a non equi self join with basic python on a table that has 1.7 millions rows and 4 variables. the data look like this: product position_min position_max

Solution 1:

I think a different approach is needed here, because comparing each product with each other will always give a time complexity of O(n^2).

I sorted the product list by ascending position_min (and descending position_max, just in case) and reversed the check from the answer above: instead of seeing if comp "contains" ref I did the opposite. This way it is possible to check each product only against those with a higher position_min, and also to stop the search as soon as a comp is found whose position_min is higher than position_max of ref.

To test this solution I generated a random list of 100 products and run both one function copied from the answer above, and one function based on my suggestion. The latter executes about 1000 comparisons instead of 10000, and according to timeit it is about 4x faster despite the overhead due to the initial sort.

Code follows:

##reference functiondeff1(basedata):
    for ref in basedata:
        for comp in basedata:
            if ref == comp:
                continueelif ref[1] >= comp[1] and ref[2] <= comp[2]:
                ifnot outd.get(ref[0], False) or comp[3] < outd[ref[0]][1]:
                    outd[ref[0]] = (comp[0], comp[3])
    return outd

##optimized(?) functiondeff2(basedata):
    sorteddata = sorted(basedata, key=lambda x:(x[1],-x[2]))
    runs = 0for i,ref inenumerate(sorteddata):
        while j < len(sorteddata)-1andnot toohigh:
            if comp[1] > ref[2]:
                toohigh=Trueelif comp[2] <= ref[2]:
                ifnot outd.get(comp[0], False) or ref[3] < outd[comp[0]][1]:
                    outd[comp[0]] = (ref[0], ref[3])
    return outd

Solution 2:

I removed some libraries that were not used and tried to simplify the behavior of the code as much as I could.

The most important objects in the code are the list input_data, that stores data from the input csv file and the dict out_dict, that stores the output of the comparisons.

Simply put, what the code does is:

  1. Reads product.csv (without headers) into a list input_data
  2. Iterates through input_data comparing each row to each other row
    • If the reference product range is within the comparing product range, we check a new condition: is there something in out_dict for the reference product?
      • If yes, we replace it with the new comparing product if it has a lower count_pos
      • If not, we add the comparing product regardless
  3. Writes the information in out_dict to the output file product_p.csv, but only for products that had valid comparing products

And here it is:

import csv

input_data = []
withopen('product.csv', 'r') as csv_in:
    reader = csv.reader(csv_in, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:

out_dict = {}
for ref in input_data:
    for comp in input_data:
        if ref == comp:
            continueelifint(ref[1]) >= int(comp[1]) andint(ref[2]) <= int(comp[2]):
            ifnot out_dict.get(ref[0], False) orint(comp[3]) < out_dict[ref[0]][1]:
                out_dict[ref[0]] = (comp[0], int(comp[3]))
                # print(f"In '{ref[0]}': placed '{comp[0]}'")withopen('product_p.csv', "w") as csv_out:
    ecriture = csv.writer(csv_out, delimiter=';', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    for key, value in out_dict.items():
        if value[0]:
            ecriture.writerow([key, value[0]])

Also, I commented out a print line that can show you - using a sample file with only a few rows - what the script is doing.

Note: I believe your expected output is wrong. Either that or I'm missing something from the explanation. If that's the case, do tell me. The code presented takes this into account.

From the sample input:


The expected output would be:


Since, for "A.15", "A.35" satisfies the same conditions as "A.16" and "A.18" and has the smaller count_pos.

Solution 3:

Using sqlite3 in-memory database the search can be moved to B-tree indexes that is more optimal than suggested ways. The following approach works 30 times faster that the original one. For generated 2M rows file it takes 44 hours to calculate result for each item (~1200 hours for original approach).

import csv
import sqlite3
import sys
import time

with sqlite3.connect(':memory:') as con:
    cursor = con.cursor()
    cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE products (id integer PRIMARY KEY, product text, position_min int, position_max int, count_pos int)')
    cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX idx_products_main ON products(position_max, position_min, count_pos)')

    withopen('product.csv', 'r') as products_file:
        reader = csv.reader(products_file, delimiter=';')
        # Omit parsing first row in filenext(reader)

        for row in reader:
            row_id = row[0][len('A.'):] if row[0].startswith('A.') else row[0];
            cursor.execute('INSERT INTO products VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [row_id] + row)


    withopen('product_p.csv', 'wb') as write_file:
        withopen('product.csv', 'r') as products_file:
            reader = csv.reader(products_file, delimiter=';')
            # Omit parsing first row in filenext(reader)

            for row in reader:
                row_product_id, row_position_min, row_position_max, count_pos = row
                result_row = cursor.execute(
                    'SELECT product, count_pos FROM products WHERE position_min <= ? AND position_max >= ? ORDER BY count_pos, id LIMIT 1',
                    (row_position_min, row_position_max)

                if (result_row and result_row[0] == row_product_id):
                    result_row = cursor.execute(
                        'SELECT product, count_pos FROM products WHERE product != ? AND position_min <= ? AND position_max >= ? ORDER BY count_pos, id LIMIT 1',
                        (row_product_id, row_position_min, row_position_max)

                if (result_row):

Further optimisation can be done using threading if needed and the result process can be optimised to take 4-5 hours using 10 threads for instance.

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