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Pandas Find Exact Given String/word From A Column

So, I have a pandas column name Notes which contains a sentence or explanation of some event. I am trying find some given words from that column and when I find that word I am addi

Solution 1:

Use \b for word boundary in regex, and .str.extract to find pattern:


To label those rows containing that word, do:

df['Type'] = np.where(df.Notes.str.contains(r'\b(lies|liar)\b'), 'Lies', 'Not Lies')

Solution 2:

Well I agree with Quang Hoang answer. Please make sure you are aware about sentences like "He is not a liar". Where it will still match and give you Liar.

Solution 3:

I think this piece if code will work fine for you!

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"Notes":["2 families are living in the address"  ,
"He is a liar  "              ,           
"We are not familiar with this "   ]  }) 

word= ["liar","are","this"]
found_in_whole_string =[]

for i in range(0, len(df)):
    for f in word:
        if f in df["Notes"][i].split(" "):
    found_in_whole_string.append(",".join([word for word in found_one_word iflen(word) > 0])  )

df["type"] = found_in_whole_string

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