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Python Get Whole Hour Values Between 2 Datetime Objects

I have 2 datetime values: 'start' and end'. I'd like to return a list of all the datetimes that fall exactly on the hour between the two (inclusive). For example 'start' is 09:30 a

Solution 1:

The easiest would be to replace the minutes and seconds of the start time with zero and then add one hour.

You will need a special case if the start time is exactly on the hour and you wish to include it


>>>from datetime import datetime, timedelta>>>start_time =>>>start_time
datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 18, 20, 38, 55, 546000)
>>>first = start_time.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)+timedelta(hours=1)>>>first
datetime.datetime(2011, 5, 18, 21, 0)

Solution 2:

The best way to do that is using timedelta.

>>>from datetime import datetime, timedelta>>>start =>>>if start.minute >= 30:...    start.replace(minute=0)+timedelta(hours=1)...else:...    start.replace(minute=0)

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