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Select Specific Rows And Cells In Text File And Put Into Data Frame: Python Or R

Either python or R is fine to use for this but could someone advise me on how to select the 'Basic stats' rows a text file that looks like the one below. I want this information an

Solution 1:

With R, using:

# read the text file
txt <- readLines('')# create an index for the lines that are needed
ti <-rep(which(grepl('ROI:', txt)), each =3)+1:3# create a grouping vector of the same length
grp <-rep(1:33, each =3)# filter the text with the index 'ti' # and split into a list with grouping variable 'grp'
lst <- split(txt[ti], grp)# loop over the list a read the text parts in as dataframes
lst <- lapply(lst,function(x) read.table(text = x, sep ='\t', header =TRUE,
                                          blank.lines.skip =TRUE))# bind the dataframes in the list together in one data.frame
DF <-, lst)# change the name of the first columnnames(DF)[1]<-'ROI'# get the correct ROI's for the ROI-column
DF$ROI <- sub('.*: (\\w+).*$','\\1', txt[grepl('ROI: ', txt)])


> DF                ROI        Min        Max       Mean    Stdev
1   mrc_ranch_house -20.208261   6.025762  -8.866403 5.289712
2           river_1 -20.187374  -6.694543 -12.227586 2.664640
3           river_2 -18.365091  -5.820825 -13.164463 2.851231
4           river_3 -18.291010  -4.583666 -12.092995 3.479293
5           river_4 -17.074295  -4.926921  -9.970926 2.897855
6           river_5 -16.849176  -8.622208 -12.387085 2.168462
7  adjacent_river_2 -18.987597  -7.957749 -13.392523 1.962263
8  adjacent_river_3 -19.426531  -8.640042 -13.467425 1.888105
9  adjacent_river_4 -20.452566  -6.830183 -12.833450 2.124761
10           bcs_1_ -23.612043  -8.221417 -16.032305 2.080695
11           bcs_2_ -24.018219 -10.648975 -16.814048 1.948863
12           bcs_3_ -23.011086  -9.106754 -15.404174 1.867498
13           red_1_ -22.313442  -7.839107 -14.768196 2.134152
14           red_2_ -22.551537  -7.236300 -14.613618 2.204253
15           red_3_ -22.057703  -7.746992 -14.483161 2.123497
16            bcs_4 -22.705107  -8.972753 -15.201623 1.817122
17            bcs_5 -24.109459 -10.113716 -15.776537 1.849163
18         glade_1_ -19.913187  -6.189866 -12.695884 3.303929
19         glade_2_ -19.812855  -4.672865 -11.995191 4.840168
20         glade_3_ -10.078033  -2.828722  -5.877417 1.941401
21           mwea_b -13.979379  -4.977155 -11.392434 2.019037
22             kaga -13.114172  -8.889531 -10.649324 1.290551
23             huku -14.206743  -7.853305 -10.608210 1.441250
24             ruai -18.643108 -12.645180 -14.540123 1.224183
25          tumaini -19.543234 -13.164941 -15.899968 1.812876
26           nkando -19.973492  -7.040238 -11.716987 2.617544
27           jikaze -16.408030  -9.001065 -12.323898 1.942196
28        miarage_b -15.126486  -6.661448 -10.391111 1.764279
29           batian -15.269146  -9.603316 -11.962470 1.168859
30         gitaraga -17.037708  -7.495215 -10.886802 2.561877
31       wiumiririe  -9.578024  -6.225223  -7.688715 1.059796
32           chumvi -14.883148 -10.327570 -12.819469 1.231636
33 next_to_airstrip -17.242777  -5.207252 -10.601750 1.987712

The last part (from binding the list together in one dataframe and onwards) can also be done with the rbindlist-function from the data.table-package:

# load the 'data.table' package for the 'rbindlist' function
# bind the dataframes in the list together to a data.table (enhanced version of a data.frame)
DT <- rbindlist(lst)
# change the name of the first column
setnames(DT, 1, 'ROI')

# get the correct ROI's for the ROI-column
DT[, ROI := sub('.*: (\\w+).*$', '\\1', txt[grepl('ROI: ', txt)])]

Solution 2:

Here is another ugly solution. The result is a good old regular data.frame.

rois_all <- file("")

xy <- readLines(rois_all)

# find lines where ROI starts
roin <- grep(pattern= "ROI: ", x = xy)
roi <- xy[roin]
roi <- gsub(".*ROI: (\\w+).*$", "\\1", roi)

# find lines with stats
stats <- grep(pattern= "Basic Stats", x = xy)

# trim whitespace andcollect Col
cn <- trimws(sapply(strsplit(xy[stats][1], "\t"), "[", 2:5, simplify =FALSE)[[1]])

# split the stat line by \t and extract only elements 2to5.mergerow-wise
out<-, sapply(strsplit(xy[stats +1], "\t"), "[", 2:5, simplify =FALSE))
out<-, MARGIN =2, as.numeric))

# add ROI column extracted earlier
out<- cbind(roi, out)

colnames(out) <- c("ROI", cn)


                ROI        Min        Max       Mean    Stdev
1   mrc_ranch_house -20.2082616.025762-8.8664035.2897122           river_1 -20.187374-6.694543-12.2275862.6646403           river_2 -18.365091-5.820825-13.1644632.8512314           river_3 -18.291010-4.583666-12.0929953.4792935           river_4 -17.074295-4.926921-9.9709262.8978556           river_5 -16.849176-8.622208-12.3870852.1684627  adjacent_river_2 -18.987597-7.957749-13.3925231.9622638  adjacent_river_3 -19.426531-8.640042-13.4674251.8881059  adjacent_river_4 -20.452566-6.830183-12.8334502.12476110           bcs_1_ -23.612043-8.221417-16.0323052.08069511           bcs_2_ -24.018219-10.648975-16.8140481.94886312           bcs_3_ -23.011086-9.106754-15.4041741.86749813           red_1_ -22.313442-7.839107-14.7681962.13415214           red_2_ -22.551537-7.236300-14.6136182.20425315           red_3_ -22.057703-7.746992-14.4831612.12349716            bcs_4 -22.705107-8.972753-15.2016231.81712217            bcs_5 -24.109459-10.113716-15.7765371.84916318         glade_1_ -19.913187-6.189866-12.6958843.30392919         glade_2_ -19.812855-4.672865-11.9951914.84016820         glade_3_ -10.078033-2.828722-5.8774171.94140121           mwea_b -13.979379-4.977155-11.3924342.01903722             kaga -13.114172-8.889531-10.6493241.29055123             huku -14.206743-7.853305-10.6082101.44125024             ruai -18.643108-12.645180-14.5401231.22418325          tumaini -19.543234-13.164941-15.8999681.81287626           nkando -19.973492-7.040238-11.7169872.61754427           jikaze -16.408030-9.001065-12.3238981.94219628        miarage_b -15.126486-6.661448-10.3911111.76427929           batian -15.269146-9.603316-11.9624701.16885930         gitaraga -17.037708-7.495215-10.8868022.56187731       wiumiririe  -9.578024-6.225223-7.6887151.05979632           chumvi -14.883148-10.327570-12.8194691.23163633 next_to_airstrip -17.242777-5.207252-10.6017501.987712

Solution 3:

I have not found a single import solution as each row in data is called Band 1 but it is a good start.

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv(r'rois_all.txt', delimiter='\t', error_bad_lines=False, skiprows=[0, 1])
data = data.dropna()
data = data.ix[data.ix[:, 'Basic Stats']!='Basic Stats', :]

Example of output

Basic Stats Min         Max         Mean        Stdev
0   Band 1  -20.208261  6.025762    -8.866403   5.289712
3   Band 1  -20.187374  -6.694543   -12.227586  2.664640
6   Band 1  -18.365091  -5.820825   -13.164463  2.851231

I have now extracted all of the Basic Stats names as follows,

names = pd.read_csv(r'rois_all.txt', delimiter='\t', error_bad_lines=False, skiprows=[0, 1])

names = names.ix[names.ix[:, 'Basic Stats'] != '     Band 1']
names = names.ix[names.ix[:, 'Basic Stats'] != 'Basic Stats']
names = names.ix[:, 'Basic Stats'].str.extract('Stats for ROI: (.*) \[.*\] [0-9]*')
names.loc[0] = 'mrc_ranch_house'
names = names.sort_index()
names = names.reset_index(drop=True)

This looks as follows,

0      mrc_ranch_house
1              river_1
2              river_2

Joining data and names like so,

data.ix[:, 'Basic Stats'] = names

gives this the results as desired,

   Basic Stats      Min         Max         Mean        Stdev
0   mrc_ranch_house -20.208261  6.025762    -8.866403   5.289712
1   river_1         -20.187374  -6.694543   -12.227586  2.664640
2   river_2         -18.365091  -5.820825   -13.164463  2.851231

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