Sphinx: Use A Different Directive For A Different Output Format
Assume you have a reStructuredText document and want to export it in two formats using Sphinx 2.x: HTML and PDF. You want to put some slightly different contents in these two form
Solution 1:
This is a little clunky, but it works for me:
.. role:: latex(raw)
:format: latex
.. role:: html(raw)
:format: html
.. |foo| replace:: :latex:`LaTeX text`:html:`HTML text`
.. |bar| replace:: :latex:`other latex text`:html:`other html text`
Solution 2:
A solution could be to define a rst_prolog
(or rst_epilog
) dynamically based on some tag (could be the builder tag for example).
prolog_for_html = """
.. |document_type| replace:: HTML
prolog_for_latex = """
.. |document_type| replace:: latex
"""if tags.has('html_prolog'):
rst_prolog = prolog_for_html
elif tags.has('latex_prolog'):
rst_prolog = prolog_for_latex
This is a |document_type| document.
html latex:
sphinx-build -t $@_prolog -b $@ src build/$@
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