Sqlalchemy Flask: Attributeerror: 'session' Object Has No Attribute '_model_changes' On Session.commit()
Solution 1:
Yes this is exactly problem when using flask-sqlalchemy
models mixed with pure sqlalchemy
session. Thing is that flask-sqlalchemy
subclasses the base Session
from sqlalchemy
and adds some internals one of which is the _model_changes
dict. This dict is used for model modification tracking.
So if you want to use flask-sqlalchemy
based models with regular sqlalchemy
session, one way would be to just add the dict to the session (this is just example code):
def create_session(config):
engine = create_engine(config['DATABASE_URI'])
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
session._model_changes = {}
return session
I had the same exact problem as you, so hopefully this should help you.
There is new version available, which should be fixing this behaviour, quoting the 2.0 docs:
Changed how the builtin signals are subscribed to skip non Flask-SQLAlchemy sessions. This will also fix the attribute error about model changes not existing.
Docs: http://flask-sqlalchemy.pocoo.org/2.0/changelog/#version-2-0
Solution 2:
I had the same problem as well, and solved it by modifying the _SessionSignalEvents class within init.py in flask-sqlalchemy. However, I just noticed that such a fix had already been in place since 8 months on the official repository.
If you encounter a similar problem, I would recomment you to pull the latest version of the project off github (https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask-sqlalchemy/) since the one currently available through pip install is outdated.
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