Why Is Pandas Apply Lambda Slower Than Loop Here?
I have a pandas dataframe which I'd like to filter based on if certain conditions are met. I ran a loop and a .apply() and used %%timeitto test for speed. The dataset has around 45
Solution 1:
use loops under th hood, so if need better performance the best and the fastest are vecorized alternatives.
No loops, only chain 2 conditions vectorized solution:
m1 = all_actions['Lower'] <= all_actions['Mid']
m2 = all_actions['Mid'] <= all_actions['Upper']
qualified_actions = m1 & m2
Thanks Jon Clements for another solution:
all_actions.Mid.between(all_actions.Lower, all_actions.Upper)
N = 45000
all_actions=pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(50, size=(N,3)),columns=['Lower','Mid','Upper'])
#print (all_actions)
In [85]: %%timeit
...: qualified_actions = []
...: forrowin all_actions.index:
...: if all_actions.ix[row,'Lower'] <= all_actions.ix[row, 'Mid'] <= all_actions.ix[row,'Upper']:
...: qualified_actions.append(True)
...: else:
...: qualified_actions.append(False)
__main__:259: DeprecationWarning:
.ix is deprecated. Please use
.loc for label based indexing or
.iloc for positional indexing
See the documentation here:
1 loop, best of3: 579 ms per loop
In [86]: %%timeit
...: (all_actions.apply(lambda row: row['Lower'] <=row['Mid'] <=row['Upper'], axis=1))
1 loop, best of3: 1.17 s per loop
In [87]: %%timeit
...: ((all_actions['Lower'] <= all_actions['Mid']) & (all_actions['Mid'] <= all_actions['Upper']))
1000 loops, best of3: 509 µs per loop
In [90]: %%timeit
...: (all_actions.Mid.between(all_actions.Lower, all_actions.Upper))
1000 loops, best of3: 520 µs per loop
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