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Calling The Setter Of A Super Class In A Mixin

Suppose I have the following (not quite biologically correct) classes: class AnimalBaseClass: def __init__(self): self._limbs = None @property def limbs(self):

Solution 1:

The following works, although any simpler answers are appreciated.

        self._limbs = None    @propertydeflimbs(self):
        return self._limbs

    @limbs.setterdeflimbs(self, value):
        self.paws = value
        self._limbs = value


    @limbs.setterdeflimbs(self, value):
        self.bipedal = (value == 2)
        # works!super(BipedalMixIn, self.__class__).limbs.__set__(self, value)

classBird(BipedalMixIn, AnimalBaseClass):

bird = Bird()
bird.limbs = 2print(bird.bipedal)    # Trueprint(bird.paws)        # 2

Solution 2:

Firstly, if you're working under Python 2.x, make sure all of your classes directly or indirectly inherit from object. Otherwise, @property does not work at all.

To steal the example code from this comment in OP's linked bug:

super(BipedalMixin, BipedalMixin).limbs.__set__(self, value)

Let's break this apart:

super(BipedalMixin, BipedalMixin)

Normally, we pass an instance as the first argument. Here, we're instead passing a class, to look up class attributes specifically and disable any descriptor magic.

.limbs.__set__(self, value)

This invokes the property's __set__() method, which calls the setter. It is normally invoked automatically by the foo.limbs = bar syntax.

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