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Check Hostnames And Ip Addresses (v4 And V6) Using A Single Python Regex?

Is it possible to check a string with a single regex and validate it if matches valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or even a hostname with no special characters but dot (.)? I have separat

Solution 1:

You could use a single regex, but it's going to be ugly as hell. Either;

  • Create separate regexes as strings, then combine them. Far more legible. Or,
  • Test each regex separately. Also much clearer.

Perl-ish example:

if ( $foo =~ /$ipv4_re/ or $foo =~ /$ipv6_re/ or $foo =~ /$hostname_re/ ) {

Having said that, there are probably libraries in Python that will validate these things for you, and personally I'd rather rely on them.

Solution 2:


(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}|                    (?# IPv4 address)
[:a-fA-F0-9]*:[:a-fA-F0-9]*:[:a-fA-F0-9.]*| (?# IPv6 address)
[-a-z0-9A-Z]+\.[-a-z0-9A-Z]*                (?# domain name)

Of course, you're free to substitute the individual expressions with more complex ones.

Solution 3:


(from rfc3987)

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