Interactive Selection Of Series In A Matplotlib Plot
Solution 1:
It all depends on how much effort you are willing to do and what the exact requirements are, but you can bet it has already been implemented somewhere :-)
If the aim is mainly to not clutter the image, it may be sufficient to use the built-in capabilities; you can find relevant code in the matplotlib examples library:
If you really want to have a UI, so you can guard the performance by limiting the amount of plots / data, you would typically use a GUI toolbox such as GTK, QT or WX. Look here for some articles and example code:
Solution 2:
A list with checkboxes will be fine if you have a few plots or less, but for more plots a popup menu would probably be better. I am not sure whether either of these is possible with matplotlib though.
The way I implemented this once was to use a slider to select the plot from a list - basically you use the slider to set the index of the series that should be shown. I had a few hundred series per dataset, so it was a good way to quickly glance through them.
My code for setting this up was roughly like this:
fig = pyplot.figure()
slax = self.fig.add_axes((0.1,0.05,0.35,0.05))
sl = matplotlib.widgets.Slider(slax, "Trace #", 0, len(plotlist), valinit=0.0)
tracenum = int(np.floor(sl.val))
ax = self.fig.add_axes((0.6, 0.2, 0.35, 0.7))
Here's an example:
Solution 3:
Now that has opened sourced their libraries, it is a really good choice for interactive plots in python. See for example: You can click on the legend traces and select/deselect traces.
If you want to embed in an Ipython/Jupyter Notebook, that is also straightforward:
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