Python : Optional Arguments For Function Calling Lower Level Functions
I have a function def weights(vector, loss_function, clipping, max_iterations=100, tolerance=1e-5) which needs to call a lower level loss function which can be any of these with
Solution 1:
defweights(vector, loss_function, clipping=None,
max_iterations=100, tolerance=1e-5)
kwargs = {}
if clipping:
kwargs['clipping'] = clipping
huber_loss(vector, **kwargs)
Solution 2:
You can use max_iterations, tolerance and clipping as **kwargs
and check for presence of keys inside arguments
defweights(vector, loss_function, **kwargs):
if kwargs['max_iterations']:
max_iterations = kwargs['max_iterations']
max_iterations = 100
... # and so go on for clipping and tolerance
weights(vect, lf, maxa_iterations=5, clipping=2)
you dont need to pass all kwargs that you check
PS. If you find an answer that is what you need - accept it :)
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