The Best Way To Mark (split?) Dataset In Each String
I have a dataset containing 485k strings (1.1 GB). Each string contains about 700 of chars featuring about 250 variables (1-16 chars per variable), but it doesn't have any splitmar
Solution 1:
Pandas could load this using read_fwf
In [321]:
pd.read_fwf(io.StringIO(t), widths=[5,3,1,4], header=None)
This will give you a dataframe allowing you to access each individual column for whatever purpose you require
Solution 2:
Try this in R:
x <-"0123456789012"
y <-c(5,3,1,4)
output <- paste(substring(x,c(1,cumsum(y)+1),cumsum(y)),sep=",")
output <- output[-length(output)]
Solution 3:
In R read.fwf
would work:
# inputs
x <-c("0123456789012...","1234567890123... ")
widths <-c(5,3,1,4)
read.fwf(textConnection(x), widths, colClasses ="character")
If numeric rather than character columns were desired then drop the colClasses
Solution 4:
One option in R is
indx1 <- c(1, cumsum(len)[-length(len)]+1)
indx2 <- cumsum(len)
toString(vapply(seq_along(len), function(i)
substr(str1, indx1[i], indx2[i]), character(1)))
#[1] "01234, 567, 8, 9012"
str1 <-'0123456789012'
len <-c(5,3,1,4)
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