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Write First Row From .txt-file As A Column In New .txt-file

I am trying to get the first row of a file.txt (tab separated strings) and create a new file with one column which is made of the elements of the row I want to extract. I managed t

Solution 1:

withopen('inFile.txt', 'r') as inFile, open('outfile.txt', 'w') as outFile:
    outFile.writelines(line + '\n'for line in inFile.readline().split('\t'))

To split the file in smaller parts I would use unix split, for example:

split -l $lines_per_file outfile.txt

To find $lines_per_file divide the total number of lines wc -l output.txt by 10.

Solution 2:

You could use genfromtxt and savetxt routines:

If you want to save strings (as per the amended question):

import numpy as np
withopen('new_file.txt','w') as f:
   for el in np.genfromtxt('file.txt',dtype=None)[0]:

If the data is numerical:

import numpy as np

You could even combine these into one line:


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