Best Method In Writing A List To A Text File In Python?
Solution 1:
Since you are importing pandas, why don't you use it, too.
data = pd.read_table(myfile, header=None, sep='\s+')
data.columns ='t','x','y','z','Rx','Ry','Rz'forcolumnin data:
withopen(column+ ".txt", "w") as ofile:
ofile.write(' '.join(str(i) for i in data[column]))
Solution 2:
So if i understand the filestructure you want correctly:
you want each line to have 7 numbers in order "t z y x Rz Ry Rx" with space between them.
First you need to go through first element of all lists, than through second, etc...
To do so best may be zip (documentation)
withopen(filename, 'w') as f: # We open file for writingfor line inzip(t, z, y, x, Rz, Ry, Rx):
line = [str(i) for i in line] # convert to strings
f.write(' '.join(line) + "\n") # joins space and ends the line
Ok, so if I now understand the format, the following shoud help:
withopen('x.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join([str(i) for i in x]) + '\n') # omit "+ '\n'" if you don't want newline at the end of the file.
Repeate for each variable.
My explanation for why your methods don't work:
method 1
It's just how csv writer's writerows work
method 2
you are doing for each item in x, where x is list, not file you can write to. Corrected code:
withopen('x.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in x:
f.write(str(item) + '\n')
note that '%s\n' can't work as item is int and s is for string, f.write('%d\n' % item) shoud work
method 3
str(x) formats list to the form you see it in file and you just write that into the file. The formating can be seen by doing print(str(x))
method 4
again same as in method 2
method 5
Similar to method 2. You don't define number anywhere. For it to work use:
withopen('x.txt', 'w') asf:
f.write('%d\n' % number)
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