How To Accumulate Messages As Mqtt Client For 1 Second, Then Save It To A File
my problem is as follows: I wrote a program that subscribes to a topic, where 2 dictionaries with one key respectively arrive more times a second. On every message they change thei
Solution 1:
Instead of manually stopping the networking thread I would prefer using a timer which fires every second. In addition it might be a good idea to lock the data when storing it to a file - otherwise there might occur an update in between:
# ...import threading
def test1_callback(client, userdata, msg):
msg_dict = json.loads((msg.payload))
def timer_event():
# save to file here
# restart timer
threading.Timer(1, timer_event).start()
Status = {}
lock = threading.Lock()
# client initialization# ...
threading.Timer(1, timer_event).start()
while True:
But this won't prevent your stored value to drift away because the topic is apparently published too frequently so your subscriber (or even the broker) is not able to handle a message fast enough.
So you might want to reduce the interval in which this topic is published. Also notice that you subscribed to a multi-level topic - even if the topics besides "topic/test1"
are not handled in your code they still cause load for the broker and the subscribing client
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