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How To Search A String With The Url Patterns In Django?

I would like to create a profile page for every account created. Once created the user profile can be accessed like But before creation I should validat

Solution 1:

You can simply try to resolve the address to a view:

from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
from myapp.views import user_profile_view

    my_view = resolve("/%s/" % user_name)
    if my_view == user_profile_view:
        # We match the user_profile_view, so that's OK.else:
        # oops, we have another view that is mapped on that URL# you already have something mapped on this addressexcept:
    # app doesn't have such path


you can also make the check in a different way:

defuser_profile_view(request, user_name):
    # some code here = "User Profile View"

and then the check above could be:

ifgetattr(my_view, "name", None) == "User Profile View":

Solution 2:

you can add custom form field validation. Look at this post. Django and Custom Form validation

raise forms.ValidationError(u'please choose another username') check and raise errors.

Or you can try setting the following as url for your users,<username>/

edit 1 :you can use this as a list of all invalid usernames

Solution 3:

I don't think you can check this with django.core.urlresolvers.resolve. Note that it just checks for the pattern for fixed url and not variable part of your url. In your case, you will most likely have 'username' as variable parameter that is passed to view. Pattern for this will match for non-existing username also. So the checking patterns is not good solution.

Better method will be separating out static or other pages in different namespace. e.g.

Or you can have predefined keywords/reserved words for your site e.g. [ "about", ... ] and check it against username while creating user.

Solution 4:

Put your username view at the end of, so that other url rules will be checked first.

Then the easiest way is to have a list of invalid user names which should be used in user registration validation.

    INVALID_USERNAMES = ('about', 'admin', 'register', '...')

    username = self.cleaned_data['username']
        user = User.objects.get(username=username)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        raise forms.ValidationError(u'%s already exists' % username )

    if username in INVALID_USERNAMES:
        raise forms.ValidationError(u'%s is not a valid username' % username )

    return username

Solution 5:

firstly, a url rule for usernames:

url(r'^(?P<username>[-\w]+)/$', 'membership.views.profile', name='profile'),

making sure that a username doesn't conflict with an existing url rule is a little harder.

the way I usually handle this is by adding uniqueness to the url:

url(r'^user/(?P<username>[-\w]+)/$', 'membership.views.profile', name='profile'),

if you absolutely must have the url for profiles start with the username then you can try to rake the urls using a method like this one: and then make sure that username is both unique against other usernames and against routes


as i was writing this someone posted a cool idea for a validator that makes a bunch more sense.

using from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve to check it for uniqueness is a great solution

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve

    urlroute = Truetry:
        urlroute = resolve(path, urlconf)
    except urlresolvers.Resolver404:
        urlroute = Falseif urlroute != False :
        raise ValidationError(u'%s is a reserved url pattern' % value)

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