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Imagemagick Bash Command From Python Script

So I have this command: PS C:\Users\lucas\OneDrive\Documents\3D\OpenRCT2\HotdogCycles> magick.exe test.png -fill 'sRGB(57,59,57)' -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' mask_test2.png Whi

Solution 1:

You've got the string escaping wrong. Try this:

>>>"magick.exe test.png -fill 'sRGB(57,59,57)' -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' mask_test2.png")

Note that I removed the back-slashes from \'sRGB(57,59,57)\' to sRGB(57,59,57)', likewise in the -draw argument.

Also splitting the command to a list could help:

>>>["/usr/bin/convert", "test.png", "-fill", "sRGB(57,59,57)", "-draw", "color 0,0 floodfill", "mask_test2.png"])

I user convert rather than magick.exe as I'm on Linux, but the idea is the same.

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