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Python Threading Unexpectedly Slower

I have decided to learn how multi-threading is done in Python, and I did a comparison to see what kind of performance gain I would get on a dual-core CPU. I found that my simple mu

Solution 1:

  1. Python has the GIL. Python bytecode will only be executed by a single processor at a time. Only certain C modules (which don't manage Python state) will be able to run concurrently.
  2. The Python GIL has a huge overhead in locking the state between threads. There are fixes for this in newer versions or in development branches - which at the very least should make multi-threaded CPU bound code as fast as single threaded code.

You need to use a multi-process framework to parallelize with Python. Luckily, the multiprocessing module which ships with Python makes that fairly easy.

Very few languages can auto-parallelize expressions. If that is the functionality you want, I suggest Haskell (Data Parallel Haskell)

Solution 2:

The problem is in function random() If you remove random from you code. Both cores try to access to shared state of the random function. Cores work consequentially and spent a lot of time on caches synchronization. Such behavior is known as false sharing. Read this article False Sharing

Solution 3:

As Yann correctly pointed out, the Python GIL prevents parallelization from happening in this example. You can either use the python multiprocessing module to fix that or if you are willing to use other open source libraries, Ray is also a great option to get around the GIL problem and is easier to use and has more features than the Python multiprocessing library.

This is how you can parallelize your code example with Ray:

from random import random
import ray


    print(max([random() for x inrange(20000000)]))

%time x = ox.remote(); y = ox.remote(); ray.get([x, y])

On my machine, the single threaded ox() code you posted takes 1.84s and the two invocations with ray take 1.87s combined, so we get almost perfect parallelization here.

Ray also makes it very efficient to share data between tasks, on a single machine it will use shared memory under the hood, see

You can also run the same program across different machines on your cluster or the cloud without having to modify the program, see the documentation ( and

Disclaimer: I'm one of the Ray developers.

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