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Simultaneously Run Post In Python

I am trying to upload 100,000 data points to a web service backend. If I run it one at a time, it will take ~12 hours. They support 20 API calls simultaneously. How can I run this

Solution 1:

The easy way to do this is with threads. The nearly-as-easy way is with gevent or a similar library (and grequests even ties gevent and requests together so you don't have to figure out how to do so). The hard way is building an event loop (or, better, using something like Twisted or Tulip) and multiplexing the requests yourself.

Let's do it the easy way.

You don't want to run 100000 threads at once. Besides the fact that it would take hundreds of GB of stack space, and your CPU would spend more time context-switching than running actual code, the service only supports 20 connections at once. So, you want 20 threads.

So, how do you run 100000 tasks on 20 threads? With a thread pool executor (or a bare thread pool).

The concurrent.futures docs have an example which is almost identical to what you want to do, except doing GETs instead of POSTs and using urllib instead of requests. Just change the load_url function to something like this:

    # … your original code here …
    r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
    return r.content

… and the example will work as-is.

Since you're using Python 2.x, you don't have the concurrent.futures module in the stdlib; you'll need the backport, futures.

In Python (at least CPython), only one thread at a time can do any CPU work. If your tasks spend a lot more time downloading over the network (I/O work) than building requests and parsing responses (CPU work), that's not a problem. But if that isn't true, you'll want to use processes instead of threads. Which only requires replacing the ThreadPoolExecutor in the example with a ProcessPoolExecutor.

If you want to do this entirely in the 2.7 stdlib, it's nearly as trivial with the thread and process pools built into the multiprocessing. See Using a pool of workers and the Process Pools API, then see multiprocessing.dummy if you want to use threads instead of processes.

Solution 2:

Could be overkill, but you may like to have a look at Celery.

Tutorial could be:

from celery import Celery
import requests

app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')


headers={'content-type': 'application/json','Application-Id': apikey,'REST-API-Key':restkey}

f = open('upload_data.log', 'a+')
def upload_data(data, count):
    r =, data=data, headers=headers)
    f.write("Count: %d\n%s\n\n" % (count, r.content)

Start celery task with:

$ celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info -c 20

Then in another script:

import tasks

    import csv
    import json


    withopen('/Users/name/Desktop/push-new.csv','rU') as csvfile:
        deviceTokens=csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')

        for token in deviceTokens:
            payload={"deviceType": deviceType,"deviceToken":deviceToken,"channels":["",pushToken]}
   r = tasks.upload_data.delay(json.dumps(payload), count)


NOTE: Above code is sample. You may have to modify it for your requirement.

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