Adding To Zeros To List In A Dictionary In A List
I have a list of dicts as follows: l=[{'key1':10,'author':'test','years':['2011','2013']},{'key2':10,'author':'test2','years':['2012']}, {'key3':14,'author':'test2','years':['2014'
Solution 1:
Build a list of all the years:
>>>years = sorted({year for d in l for year in d["years"]})
and then use comprehensions to build dicts with the list elements replaced appropriately:
>>> [{k:
... [y if y in v else"0"for y in years]
... if k == "years"else v
... for k, v in d.items()
... } for d in l]
[{'key1': 10, 'author': 'test', 'years': ['2011', '0', '2013', '0']}, {'key2': 10, 'author': 'test2', 'years': ['0', '2012', '0', '0']}, {'key3': 14, 'author': 'test2', 'years': ['0', '0', '0', '2014']}]
You can technically do this all in a single statement (it's a bit less efficient though since you're rebuilding the set of all years multiple times):
>>> [{k: [
... y if y in v else"0"for y insorted({
... y for d in l for y in d["years"]
... })
... ] if k == "years"else v for k, v in d.items()} for d in l]
[{'key1': 10, 'author': 'test', 'years': ['2011', '0', '2013', '0']}, {'key2': 10, 'author': 'test2', 'years': ['0', '2012', '0', '0']}, {'key3': 14, 'author': 'test2', 'years': ['0', '0', '0', '2014']}]
Solution 2:
You don't need a data frame to over complicated this problem, you're just filling out space if the year is not present.
for obj in l: # for each entry
filled = [] # set a new filled listfor year in ["2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016"]: # check if each year in present in the years listif year in obj["years"]:
obj["years"] = filled # assign it backprint(l)
Solution 3:
Here's one pandas
way using crosstab
df = pd.DataFrame(l)
temp = df.explode("years").astype({"years": int})
s = pd.crosstab(temp.index, temp["years"])
df["new"] = [i.tolist() for i in s.to_numpy()*s.columns.to_numpy()]
print (df)
key1 author years key2 key3 new
0 10.0 test [2011, 2013] NaN NaN [2011, 0, 2013, 0]
1 NaN test2 [2012] 10.0 NaN [0, 2012, 0, 0]
2 NaN test2 [2014] NaN 14.0 [0, 0, 0, 2014]
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