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Keyerror During Python Gae Push Task Queue With Cron

I'm very close to finishing up a project that uses push task queues in GAE to send out follow-up emails to users. However, I keep getting a KeyError and don't know why. I been look

Solution 1:

When you call

fu = str(self.request.get('fu'))

if there is no 'fu' in the request, self.request.get will return the empty string (''). So when you try

messageid = fu_messages[fu]

it looks up the empty string in

fu_messages = {'1': 'MS_x01', 
               '2': 'MS_x02',

which only has '1' and '2' as keys.

The reason your pushQueue handler is not seeing the params you send via

params = {
    'guid': guid,
    'fu': follow_up,
    'lang': lang,
    'trigid': trigid,
taskqueue.add(queue_name='emailworker', url='/emailworker', 

is because you are using a GET handler instead of a POST or PUT handler. As the documentation states:

Params are encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded and set to the payload.

So the payload of the request has your 'fu' param in it, but since it is a GET request, the payload is dropped (this is how HTTP works, not specific to App Engine). If you use POST as your handler, the payload will come through as expected.

I noticed your code is very similar to the documented sample, but simply uses get where the sample uses post.

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